UEN — Unique Entity Number, an id of a company. A 9- or 10- digits code issued by ACRA for every business in the country. UEN is the most important characteristic of a company used to identify it in all government structures.

How do I get a UEN for my company?

Assigning Unique Entity Number for a Singapore company is a regular part of company registration in Singapore. As you go through the standard incorporation process with ACRA, you will complete all the steps, including the UEN receival. This is the final part: after you have submitted your application for company formation, ACRA processes it, accepts the company registration, and returns to you with the approval and your new UEN number. The whole process can take less than an hour after you or your corporate secretary submitted the paperwork.

Where to find UEN number?

To identify a company’s UEN in Singapore, you can look it up online using Singapore government directory search. If the business has registered with ACRA, its number, status, the company name, type, and address will be available. If the business has received a UEN from another authority, for example. People’s Association, its particulars will still be available via directory search.

Is UEN the same as GST number?

For local companies and ACRA registered businesses the GST registration number will be the same. For foreign companies the GST registration number will be different.

Is UEN the same as ACRA registration number?

Businesses and local companies currently registered with ACRA will maintain their ACRA Registration Number as their UEN. All other registered entities will be given a new UEN.

Need UEN number examples? Check out here.

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